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Developmental Edits
Open Book Manuscript Overview

Manuscript Overview

The overview focuses on plot; structure; pacing; setting; and character goals, motivation, and conflict.

Includes an editorial letter and a call to discuss your novel, but no comments on the manuscript itself.
Old Typewriter

Query Critique

Have a novel ready to go, but need help writing your query? Get help from someone who worked as a reader and submissions coordinator at a top literary agency.


Includes critique and evaluation of your query letter and a call to discuss the elements in your query letter.


Open Book

First 50 Pages

A close look at the first 50 pages of your manuscript, making sure your story starts in the right place and hits the important opening plot beats. Whether you're ready to query or looking for feedback on a new project.


Includes an editorial letter, comments on the first 50 pages, and line edits using Track Changes.


Open Books DevelopmentalEdit

Developmental and Line Edits

A developmental edit is a deep look at story craft, character, plot, structure, pacing, setting, and the classic goal-motivation-conflict.

A line edit looks at the writing on the page to make sure the language flows well. Fine-tuning dialog and description for authors seeking to hone their voice.

Includes an editorial letter, a phone call to discuss your novel, comments on the manuscript, and line editing using Track Changes.
Ready to Get Published

Submission Package

For querying authors looking to get past the slush reader, focusing on polishing your submission before sending out to agents.


Includes critique and evaluation of your query letter, synopsis, the first ten pages of your manuscript, and a call to discuss the elements of your submission package.


Coworkers plan work

Coaching Session

Have a story idea, but not sure how to turn it into a novel? Writing your first draft and not sure how to get past the middle? I offer coaching to help you turn ideas into stories and stories into complete drafts.


Includes a call to brainstorm, storyboard, and help in developing your novel in whatever way you need.



Note: I am not a copyeditor and do not provide copyediting or proofreading services.

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